Friday, August 28, 2020
Historical Development of Continental Philosophy’s Existentialism
Authentic advancement of Continental philosophy’s existentialism and phenomenology as a reaction to Hegelian optimism Absolute Idealism left unmistakable imprints on numerous features of Western culture. Valid, science was not interested in it, and good judgment was maybe stunned by it, however the best political development of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries†Marxismâ€was to a noteworthy degree an outgrowth of Absolute Idealism. (Bertrand Russell commented somewhere that Marx was just Hegel blended in with British monetary hypothesis. Nineteenth-and twentieth-century writing, religious philosophy, and even craftsmanship felt an impact. The Romantic authors of the nineteenth century, for instance, with their affection for extended structure, immense symphonies, complex scores and taking off songs, scanned for the comprehensive melodic explanation. In doing as such, they reflected the endeavors of the metaphysicians; whose tremendous and forcing frameworks were we llsprings of motivation to numerous specialists and arrangers. As we have stated, a lot of what occurred in theory after Hegel was in light of Hegel.This reaction took various structures in English-talking nations and on the European continentâ€so distinctive that way of thinking in the twentieth century was part into two conventions or, as we may state these days, two â€Å"conversations. †So-called diagnostic way of thinking and its branches turned into the overwhelming convention of theory in England and in the long run in the United States. The reaction to Hegelian optimism on the European mainland was very extraordinary notwithstanding; and is known (at any rate in English-talking nations) as Continental philosophy.Mean while, the United States built up its own image of philosophyâ€called pragmatismâ€but eventually scientific way of thinking turned out to be solidly settled in the United States also. Inside Continental way of thinking might be discovered differ ent recognizable schools of philosophical idea: existentialism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, deconstruction, and basic hypothesis. Two persuasive schools were existentialism and phenomenology, and we will start this part with them.Both existentialism and phenomenology have their underlying foundations in the nineteenth century, and a large number of their topics can be followed back to Socrates and even to the pre-Socratics. Each way of thinking has impacted the other to such a degree, that two of the most acclaimed and compelling Continental savants of this century, Martin Heidegger (1889â€1976) and Jean-Paul Sartre (1905 â€1980), are significant figures in the two developments, in spite of the fact that Heidegger is essentially a phenomenologist and Sartre basically an existentialist.Some of the primary topics of existentialism are customary and scholarly way of thinking is sterile and remote from the worries of reality. Theory must concentrate on the person in her or his sh owdown with the world. The world is nonsensical (or, regardless, past all out understanding or exact conceptualizing through way of thinking). The world is ludicrous, as in no extreme clarification can be given for why it is how it is. Pointlessness, vacancy, technicality, division, and powerlessness to impart infest human existence.Giving birth to tension, fear, self-uncertainty, and gloom just as the individual faces as the most significant certainty of human presence, the need to pick how the person is to live inside this ridiculous and silly world. Presently, a significant number of these subjects had just been presented by those agonizing scholars of the nineteenth century, Arthur Schopenhauer (see past part), Soren Kierkegaard, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Every one of the three had a solid abhorrence for the hopeful vision of Hegelâ€and for supernatural frameworks when all is said in done. Such way of thinking, they thought, overlooked the human predicament.For each of the thr ee the universe, including its human occupants, is only from time to time discerning, and philosophical frameworks that try to cause everything to appear to be sound are simply vain endeavors to beat cynicism and misery. This amazing sounding word indicates the way of thinking that became out of crafted by Edmund Husserl (1859â€1938). In a word, phenomenology intrigues itself in the basic structures found inside the surge of cognizant experienceâ€the stream of phenomenaâ€as these structures show themselves autonomously of the presumptions and presuppositions of science.Phenomenology, considerably more than existentialism, has been a result of rationalists as opposed to of specialists and journalists. Be that as it may, similar to existentialism, phenomenology has had tremendous effect outside philosophical circles. It has been particularly powerful in religious philosophy, the social and political theories, and brain research and therapy. Phenomenology is a development of m asterminds who have an assortment of interests and perspectives; phenomenology itself discovers its forerunners in Kant and Hegel (however the development viewed itself as anything besides Hegelian).Kant, in the Critique of Pure Reason, contended that all target information depends on marvels, the information got in tangible experience. In Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind, creatures are treated as marvels or items for a cognizance. The world past experience, the â€Å"real†world accepted by characteristic science, is a world concerning which much is obscure and far fetched. Yet, the world-in-experience, the universe of unadulterated marvels, can be investigated without similar impediments or vulnerabilities.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Epic of Beowulf Essay -- Epic of Beowulf Essays
The epic sonnet, Beowulf, is one of the most seasoned European sagas in presence. At the point when Beowulf was composed, the essayist joined a significant number of the standards of the Anglo-Saxons. A portion of these goals included steadfastness, grit, magnanimity, and equity and were exhibited in the saint. Both the characters Beowulf and Grendel speak to parts of both great and shrewdness, Christianity and Paganism, and what happens when they crash into each other. A trait of an epic sonnet is the worry over battles that people face, which is introduced in a genuine way. The saint frequently encapsulates the strict, national, and social estimations of his country and abroad. The reason of the story is very basic: the Danes were in trouble on account of the incredible beast Grendel, so Beowulf, a local of the Geats, sails to take part fighting with Grendel and get successful in sparing the apparently fickle Danes. All through the epic, there are numerous cases where instances of the thirteen epic shows are utilized in the composition of Beowulf and in portraying both the standards of the Anglo-Saxons and the hidden difficulties with mortal issues, for example, great versus fiendish.  â â â â Beowulf, as an epic, can be shown through models in the composition of the story. Beowulf is frequently portrayed as a national saint who typifies the goals of his race or country. He is alluded to as, â€Å"†¦the most grounded of the Geats, more prominent and more grounded than anybody anyplace in the world,†and is appeared as displa...
Friday, August 21, 2020
General Sir William Howe in the American Revolution
General Sir William Howe in the American Revolution General Sir William Howe was a focal figure during the early long periods of the American Revolution (1775-1783) when he filled in as officer of British powers in North America. A recognized veteran of the French and Indian War, he participated in a large number of the contentions crusades in Canada. In the years after the war, Howe and his sibling, Admiral Richard Howe, were thoughtful to the worries of the settlers. In spite of this, he acknowledged a post to battle the Americans in 1775. Accepting order in North America the next year, Howe directed fruitful battles that saw him catch both New York City and Philadelphia. Despite the fact that successful on the combat zone, he reliably neglected to crush General George Washingtons armed force and withdrew for Britain in 1778. Early Life William Howe was brought into the world August 10, 1729, and was the third child of Emanuel Howe, second Viscount Howe and his significant other Charlotte. His grandma had been the paramour of King George I and thus Howe and his three siblings were the ill-conceived uncles of King George III. Compelling in the corridors of intensity, Emanuel Howe filled in as Governor of Barbados while his significant other normally went to the courts of King George II and King George III. Going to Eton, the more youthful Howe followed his two senior siblings into the military on September 18, 1746 when he bought a commission as a coronet in Cumberlands Light Dragoons. A snappy report, he was elevated to lieutenant the next year and saw administration in Flanders during the War of the Austrian Succession. Elevated to commander on January 2, 1750, Howe moved to the twentieth Regiment of Foot. While with the unit, he become a close acquaintence with Major James Wolfe under whom he would serve in North America during the French and Indian War. Battling in North America On January 4, 1756, Howe was delegated major of the recently shaped 60th Regiment (re-assigned 58th in 1757) and headed out with the unit to North America for activities against the French. Promoted to lieutenant colonel in December 1757, he served in Major General Jeffery Amhersts armed force during its crusade to catch Cape Breton Island. In this job he partook in Amhersts fruitful attack of Louisbourg that mid year where he instructed the regiment. During the battle, Howe earned an honor for making a challenging land and/or water capable landing while enduring an onslaught. With the demise of his sibling, Brigadier General George Howe at the Battle of Carillon that July, William accomplished a seat in Parliament speaking to Nottingham. This was helped by his mom who crusaded for his sake while he was abroad as she accepted that a seat in Parliament would help in propelling her children military vocation. Skirmish of Quebec Staying in North America, Howe served in Wolfes battle against Quebec in 1759. This started with a bombed exertion at Beauport on July 31 that saw the British endure a wicked destruction. Reluctant to press the assault at Beauport, Wolfe chose cross the St. Lawrence River and land at Anse-au-Foulon toward the southwest. This arrangement was executed and on September 13, Howe drove the underlying light infantry ambush which made sure about the street up to the Plains of Abraham. Showing up outside of the city, the British opened the Battle of Quebec soon thereafter and won an unequivocal triumph. Staying in the area, he safeguarded Quebec through the winter, remembering support for the Battle of Sainte-Foy, before helping in Amhersts catch of Montreal the next year. Provincial Tensions Coming back to Europe, Howe participated in the attack of Belle Þle in 1762 and was offered the military governorship of the island. Preferring to stay in dynamic military help, he declined this post and rather filled in as the aide general of the power that ambushed Havana, Cuba in 1763. With the finish of the contention, Howe came back to England. Delegated colonel of the 46th Regiment of Foot in Ireland in 1764, he was raised to legislative head of the Isle of Wight four years after the fact. Perceived as a skilled administrator, Howe was elevated to significant general in 1772, and a brief timeframe later took over preparing of the armys light infantry units. Speaking to a generally Whig body electorate in Parliament, Howe restricted the Intolerable Acts and lectured compromise with the American settlers as pressures developed in 1774 and mid 1775. His sentiments were shared by his sibling, Admiral Richard Howe. In spite of the fact that openly expressing that he would oppose administration against the Americans, he acknowledged the situation as second-in-order of British powers in America. American Revolution Begins Expressing that he was requested, and couldn't can't, Howe cruised for Boston with Major Generals Henry Clinton and John Burgoyne. Showing up May 15, Howe brought fortifications for General Thomas Gage. Under attack in the city following the American triumphs at Lexington and Concord, the British had to make a move on June 17 when American powers braced Breeds Hill on the Charlestown Peninsula sitting above the city. Coming up short on a need to keep moving, the British officers spent a great part of the early daytime talking about plans and making arrangements while the Americans attempted to fortify their position. While Clinton supported a land and/or water capable assault to remove the American line of retreat, Howe upheld an increasingly ordinary frontal assault. Taking the moderate course, Gage requested Howe to push ahead with an immediate ambush. Shelter Hill In the subsequent Battle of Bunker Hill, Howes men prevailing with regards to driving off the Americans yet supported more than 1,000 setbacks in catching their works. In spite of the fact that a triumph, the fight profoundly impacted Howe and squashed his underlying conviction that the agitators spoke to just a little piece of the American individuals. A running, brave administrator prior in his profession, the high misfortunes at Bunker Hill made Howe progressively moderate and less slanted to assault solid foe positions. <img information srcset= of-shelter slope enormous 56a61c013df78cf7728b62c1.jpg 300w, of-dugout slope huge 56a61c013df78cf7728b62c1.jpg 481w, of-fortification slope huge 56a61c013df78cf7728b62c1.jpg 662w, of-dugout slope huge 56a61c013df78cf7728b62c1.jpg 1024w information src= of-shelter slope enormous 56a61c013df78cf7728b62c1.jpg src=//:0 alt=battle-of-shelter slope large.jpg class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-30 information following container=true /> Clash of Bunker Hill. Photo Source: Public Domain Knighted that year, Howe was incidentally delegated president on October 10 (it was made lasting in April 1776) when Gage came back to England. Surveying the key circumstance, Howe and his bosses in London wanted to set up bases in New York and Rhode Island in 1776 with the objective of secluding the defiance and containing it in New England. Constrained out of Boston on March 17, 1776, after General George Washington emplaced weapons on Dorchester Heights, Howe pulled back with the military to Halifax, Nova Scotia. New York There, another battle was arranged with the objective of taking New York. Arriving on Staten Island on July 2, Howes armed force before long expand to more than 30,000 men. Intersection to Gravesend Bay, Howe abused the light American protections at Jamaica Pass and prevailing with regards to flanking Washingtons army. The coming about Battle of Long Island on August 26/27 saw the Americans beaten and compelled to withdraw. Falling back to fortresses at Brooklyn Heights, the Americans anticipated a British attack. In light of his previous encounters, Howe was hesitant to assault and started attack tasks. <img information srcset= 300w, 425w, 550w, 800w information src= src=//:0 alt=Battle of Long Island class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-36 information following container=true /> Clash of Long Island by Alonzo Chappel. Open Domain This wavering permitted Washingtons armed force to get away to Manhattan. Howe was before long joined by his sibling who had requests to go about as a harmony chief. On September 11, 1776, the Howes met with John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Edward Rutledge on Staten Island. While the American delegates requested acknowledgment of freedom, the Howes were just allowed to stretch out absolutions to those renegades who submitted to British power. Their offer won't, they started dynamic tasks
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
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Friday, May 15, 2020
The Problem Of Evil And Atheism - 1187 Words
owe to prove his thesis about the problems of evil and atheism, Rowe asks three fundamental questions. The first question, â€Å"is there an argument for atheism based on the problem of evil that could rationally justify atheism?†Supporting his question, Rowe by uses the idea of human and animal it reasonable for omnipotent, omniscient being(s) to permits its creation to suffer by extinguish each other for their own personal benefits. If there is such a thing as an omnibenevolent, omnipotent holy being how come the ultimate and unescapable suffering is this world has no vanish. How good is a god(s) that permits humanity to suffer greatly? In religious Christian Bible study, Jesus, many times referred to as god, vanish evil from†¦show more content†¦Another view on suffering brought by theist is the suffering can lead to a greater spiritual good. In order to gain spiritual guidance, there has to be suffering involved. The agonizing struggle brought by hu man’s free choice is debated since it can only be prevented by an individual’s free choice. But not all suffering is created by human’s free choice. Individuals have no control over the amount of sorrow that is brought upon them. Without warning, natural disaster brings suffering even if people are trying their best in order to prevent any kind of unhappiness. How could theist know the meaning of such suffering and its purpose? By trusting that the meaning of suffering is only known after death, how can theist surely agree if none of them have experienced the afterlife? Last, â€Å"what position should the informed atheist take concerning the rationality of religious beliefs?†After giving a response to theist’s argument against atheist, both are to believe that the other is believing a false belief. There are many types of atheist with different thoughts on religious beliefs. There are three different types of atheism discussed in Rowe’s theory. Unfriendly atheism, there is no such thing as a god(s). Indifferent atheism, has no concern in believing that a theist god(s) exists. And friendly atheism is certain that there is a reason theist to have faith in god. Defending his argument about friendly atheism,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Characteristics of Ponyboy and How They Developed...
The Characteristics of Ponyboy and How They Developed inThe Outsiders by S. E. Hinton The novel The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton was based on a character called Ponyboy. He has long light-brown, almost red hair and greenish-grey eyes. It was normal for him to have long hair because he was classified as a greaser, a boy on the East Side. The only people he has for a family are his two older brothers and his neighbours, the other greasers. Throughout the book it shows you the development of him becoming more mature and how he handles lifes challenges without his parents. Ponyboy was very different from the other greasers. At the movie theater he would like to watch sad films alone so he can cry†¦show more content†¦They were always arguing and frustrated towards each other. Later in the novel, the situation only becomes worst. When Ponyboy came home late past his curfew from the movie theater Darry slaps him and he runs away. Another incident was while Ponyboy was terribly sick in the hospital he thought he didnt call Darry only Sodapop and felt guilty. Ponyboy was very loyal to the greasers and considered them as his family. Hungout with them at night and did anything they wanted him to do. There were always ongoing disputes between the Socs and Greasers. They hated the Socs and Ponyboy would eagerly participate in fighting them in the rumbles. Sadly the fighting went too far. Soon afterwards he found himself being drowned in the fountain by the Socs. His best friend, Johnny, murdered the Soc that tried to drown him and Ponyboy decided to runaway to the Country with him. Ponyboy had a stressful nature about him and used a cigarette to relieve his problems. I want a cigarette. I want a cigarette. I want a cigarette. The quotation expressed how this tool was the only thing that was a stress reliever for him. In various tense situations it was a very handy pacifier for him such as: When he thought he might go to jail for killing a soc, but not realizing it was really Johnny who had done it; running
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Evaluation of Performance Related Pay Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Identify the advantages and disadvantages of Performance related pay from both theoretical and practical Perspectives. 2.Identify a performance related pay scheme in your Organisation or an Organisation with which you are familiar and clearly Identify its Aims and Objectives. Answers: Introduction This report comprises of an in depth analysis of performance related pay scheme being practiced in ABC Corporation. The purpose of this study was to understand how the performance related pay schemes are formulated and implemented in the organizations and how effective they are in terms of the objectives set for the scheme and the organizations growth and development. We have performed a case study on ABC corporation in Qatar. It is a manufacturing organization based in the State of Qatar and this organization has been practicing performance related pay scheme for a few years now. With the help of the employees, management and implementing bodies of ABC corporation, we have studied the reasons that motivated them to adopt this payment scheme, the objectives and aims of this scheme as per the organization and how the performance of the organization and its employees actually measures up against the expected results from this scheme (Silva, 2012). The performance based payment system is when the employees are compensated on the basis of the work that they do. It can be based on the individual or group performance. In an organization practicing this pay system, there are no fixed salaries and the individuals are paid on the basis of their performance or the achievement of their targets. Therefore, instead of compensating on the basis of the employee positions, the employees are paid according to their contribution done either individually or in a group (Potemski Rowland, 2011). This is mostly done to motivate the employees to perform better and in this system, the payment is done on the basis of the productivity of the employees. This payout structure attracts performance oriented individuals and the people with the right zeal and motivation have a lot to gain from this. Jack Welch of General Electric successfully implemented this payout method in his organization. At General Electric, they had devised a performance matrix whi ch measured and rated the employee performance and the rewards were given on the basis of that. The top performers enjoyed the highest payouts, the middle performers were given adequate pay and the non-performers had to face consequences as dire as elimination sometimes (Bryson, et al., 2011). For this analysis, we have critically reviewed the performance based reward and pay practices of ABC corporation. In order to do this, we have interacted with the people from the organization and gained knowledge about how the scheme is implemented and what are their yardsticks for performance measurement. We also interacted with a few employees of the organization and tried to find out how they rate and review the scheme and how satisfied they are by the methods of performance analysis being performed and the rewards associated with it. We then reviewed the aims and objectives of the reward scheme and understood what the management expected to achieve by the implementation of this scheme and how the current performance of the employees as well as the organization measures up against it (Lazear, 2000). Performance related pay scheme When the financial compensation is provided to the individuals on the basis of their job performance or target achievement, it is called performance based pay scheme. For the implementation of this scheme, it is important that the organization is able to quantify the objectives and the performance measurement system is fair and communicated to every individual. The performance is evaluated on the basis of some predefined objectives and target achievement and the employees are compensated on the basis of that. Performance related pay scheme is not a new concept. It has been in the system since very long, and various organizations have completely or partially adopted it over time. In ABC corporation, the work done by the individuals is generally skill based and the productivity of the employees can be easily determined on the basis of the work done. This way, ABC corporation is the ideal setup for the application of performance based payment scheme. In ABC corporation, the employees ar e not compensated on the basis of the organizational hierarchy or seniority, it is done on the basis of their performance and their productivity. The criteria for evaluation of the performance of each department is predefined by the organization and the payout is done on the basis of percentage achievement of the given targets. The individual performance is taken into account for this evaluation and irrespective of the position of the employees, the compensation is done. The ABC Corporation is a manufacturing organization (Suff, et al., 2007). Thus the top management is rewarded on the basis of the performance of the organization as a whole. The units manufactured are measured against the pre-set manufacturing target of the organization and the comparison is done. The payout is then done on the basis of the calculated performance. There are certain rules that are set for the payout and these need to be followed while implementing the performance based payout scheme. There is a fixed minimum wage for the employees to ensure legal compliance and fair wages policy. Although very less, this minimum wage is to be paid to the employees irrespective of their performance. This is done not just to prevent the organization from legal repercussions, but also acts as a safety net against any contingencies or unforeseen situation that may arise with the individuals. The target is communicated top down in the organization. The organizational target is broken down among the various departments and the departmental target is distributed among the individuals. This is done at the beginning of every month so that the individuals have a clear idea of what is expected from them and what is to be done. The trainees, newly joined and the people undergoing departmental change have a lenient performance measurement criteria and are j udged accordingly (Solmon, 2001). A number of researches and organizational studies have established that the performance based compensation method leads to demotivation and deteriorates the employee performance. The researches have, however, stated that this compensation method can work well with the organizations performing mechanical task. ABC Corporation being a manufacturing organization is well suited for this payment and compensation method. The performance of the employees here can be analyzed objectively and clearly and thus it is going to be beneficial for the organization in the long run as the low performers are eliminated and the top performers improve the efficiency and the overall organizational performance. In order to make the performance based compensation work for the organization, there are certain things that the organization and the management must keep in mind. The first and most important factor to be considered is that the criteria for performance analysis must be clear among the management, performance evaluators and the employees. There must be a detailed and comprehensive discussion and communication over the performance evaluation criteria (ODonnell OBrien, 2011). The next point that must be kept in mind is that the rewards for the goal achievement must be proportionate to the work done. The employees must not feel cheated and the demand of the job must be equivalent to the monetary reward associated with it. The evaluation must be done in a transparent manner and the employees must be checked with, for regular feedback and suggestions for the improvement of the processes and evaluation criteria. Individual performances must be analyzed if needed bust equal importance must be given to teamwork and working as a group. The performance based compensation scheme can be used to improve the organizations efficiency, increase job satisfaction level of the employees, increase their commitment to the organization and increase their trust in the organizational management whe n used effectively (Anderson, 2007) Critical review Money is seen as the biggest incentive among the workforce. Thus, performance based compensation scheme is well received by various organizations and individuals. The simple measurement and payout criteria makes the working of the organization more efficient an promotes a healthy competition among the individuals. The management of the organization can enjoy a more efficient organization and a driven workforce. There are numerous benefits of performance based pay structure and its implementation in an organization. The employees who work more, enjoy higher payouts and are satisfied (Barbosa, et al., 2014). This keeps the top performers happy and motivates the others to perform better. Overall, the implementation of performance based compensation system is beneficial and profitable to the organization. The performance evaluation and promotion criteria of the organization becomes transparent and no favoritism practices can be followed or complained of. The good performers enjoy increas ed revenue and for the organization, there is no burden of paying high salaries to non performers. The organization practicing performance based payout scheme will attract the right kind of talent and only the people who are good performers will be able to sustain. This again benefits the organization as it automatically improves the organizational performance (Jeyasutharsan Rajasekar, 2013). The individuals will account for a higher satisfaction level and the payout scheme will motivate them all. An argument against the performance based employee compensation method is that the performance of the employees and its judgment varies from one person to the other. While one person may rate the performance very high, the other person may find the same performance to be average, or even poor. However, in a manufacturing organization like ABC Corporation, the performance measurement criteria are very objective and simple to measure. Thus, no bias or favoritism can creep in the performance evaluation for this organization (Stabilet, 1999). The performance based compensation method is very effective for the organization and its financial health as it reduces the stress on the organizational funds. The organizations that are small and have a limited availability of finance can adopt this payment and compensation method as it doesnt strain the organization and its financial health. There are various versions of this payout scheme like performance based pay, where the entire salary of the individuals is based on the performance. Performance based incentives, where in addition to a fixed salary, the employees are given incentives based on their performance. Profit sharing, where the employees are given salaries proportional to organizations earned profits (Saari, 2013). Employee stock ownership, where the employees are the owners of organizations sticks and their payout fluctuates with the organizations stock prices. Performance based promotion, where the employees are promoted to the next level of the organization on the b asis of their performance. Although the benefits of the performance based payout scheme are many, there are a few disadvantages of this method of compensation that cannot be ignored. The individual performance analysis is a great way to judge the performance of the individuals, but this practice leaves little room for organizational learning and employee development. The individuals are focused on the productivity and performance all the time and the learning and skill development of the individuals is generally ignored during this. Another drawback of this system is that the entire focus of performance evaluation is on the individual performance and teamwork in the organization is overlooked (Convention Bureau, 2008). Every organization needs to work as a team first in order to achieve heights. The employees in an organization following performance based compensation method only care about their individual performance and target achievement, unless the performance is analyzed at a group level, which comes wi th the challenges of its own (Harvey-Beavis, 2003). A group based performance evaluation judges the performance of an entire group and all its members are compensated equally. Now in a group, all the members perform according to their own capacities and capabilities. When the top performers of a group are compensated equal to the low performers, there is a dissatisfaction among the employees. This takes the form of inefficiency and the performance of the entire organization is impacted due to this. Another disadvantage that comes with a performance based payment method is that the individuals and their performance need to be continuously monitored. The entire method of observation and documentation of employee performance and keeping a record of it is time consuming and resource consuming. Along with this the employees are also given a feedback of their performance and this makes the process even lengthier (Eckert, 2010). We interacted with a few employees of ABC Corporation and also found out that a few employees had partial or no knowledge of the performance evaluation criteria and method. As a result, there was dissatisfaction and frustration observed among the employees. They find the criteria vague and unfair and feel that the supervisors favor certain employees in the organization. The performance based compensation method must be used to identify training needs and suitability of the employees for promotions and not just for the compensation and payment of wages (Lavy, 2007). Another disadvantage of the performance based evaluation is that the complex and engaging task that involves various steps and actions is reduced to a single measure. The performance of the individual is boiled down to a single performance criteria. The quality of work is overlooked for the quantity of the work to be done and this degrades the total worth of the organizational work. The senior level employees who were gett ing paid according to their seniority are now being graded purely on the basis of their performance (Xerox Corporation, 2012). This is going to make the low performing senior employees dissatisfied and might even increase the organization turnover. The organizational costs might also increase if all the low performers leave and the high performers are left with it. The employees working in organizations that are practicing performance related compensation method often complain of organizational and work related stress. Although this system motivated them to perform better and be more productive, this lays an additional stress on the individuals and not just of performance, but also of being monitored continuously. This results in decreased job satisfaction levels for the individuals and the stress also ultimately results in lowering the productivity of the employees (Kecskes, 2014). Conclusion In this report we have studied the performance based payout scheme being practice in ABC Corporation of Qatar. It is a manufacturing organization based in the State of Qatar which has been practicing performance related pay scheme since a few years now. With the help of the employees, management and implementing bodies of ABC corporation, we have studied the reasons that motivated them to adopt this pay scheme, the objectives and aims of this scheme as per the organization and how the performance of the organization and its employees actually measures up against the expected results from this scheme. We have interacted with the people from the organization and gained knowledge about how the scheme is implemented and what are their yardsticks for performance measurement. We also interacted with a few employees of the organization and tried to find out how they rate and review the scheme and how satisfied they are by the methods of performance analysis being performed and the rewards a ssociated with it. When the financial compensation is provided to the individuals on the basis of their job performance or target achievement, it is called performance based pay scheme. In ABC corporation, the work done by the individuals is generally skill based and the productivity of the employees can be easily determined on the basis of the work done. This way, ABC corporation is the ideal setup for the application of performance based payment scheme. For doing this, the units manufactured are measured against the pre set manufacturing target of the organization and the comparison is done. The payout is then done on the basis of the calculated performance. Money is the greatest driving force for an individual and this has been proved by various tests and studies, therefore performance based compensation scheme is very well received by both organizations and individuals. The simple measurement and payout criteria makes the working of the organization more efficient an promotes a healthy competition among the individuals. The employees who work more, enjoy higher payouts and are satisfied. This keeps the top performers happy and motivates the others to perform better. The organization practicing performance based payout scheme will attract right kind of talent and only the people who are good performers will be able to sustain. The organizations that are small and have a limited availability of finance can adopt this payment and compensation method as it doesnt strain the organization and its financial health. Although the benefits of performance based payout scheme are many, there are a few disadvantages of this method of compensation that cannot be ignored. The individuals are focused on the productivity and performance all the time in an organization practicing performance based compensation method and the learning and skill development of the individuals is generally ignored during this. The individual performance is valued and monitored and teamwork in the organization is mostly overlooked. The performance based compensation method must be used to identify training needs and suitability of the employees for promotions and not just for the compensation and payment of wages. Another disadvantage of the performance based evaluation is that the complex and engaging task that involves various steps and actions is reduced to a single measure. Thus we conclude that there is a lot that goes in the making of a compensation structure of an organization and ABC Corporation is although implementing the performance based pay method well, there is still a scope for improvement in the practices that must not be overlooked References Anderson, R., 2007. Performance Based Pay, Available at: Barbosa, K., Bucione, A. Souza, A., 2014. Performance-based compensation vs. guaranteed compensation: contractual incentives and performance in the brazilian banking industry. Economia Aplicada, 18(1), pp. 5-34. Bryson, A., Lucifora, C. Protin, V., 2011. Paying for Performance: Incentive Pay Schemes and Employees' Financial Participation, Available at: Convention, D. Bureau, V., 2008. Performance-based Incentive Compensation Plan, Available at: Eckert, J., 2010. Performance-based compensation: design and implementation at six teacher incentive fund sites, Available at: Harvey-Beavis, O., 2003. Performance-Based Rewards for Teachers: A Literature Review, Available at: Jeyasutharsan, U. Rajasekar, N., 2013. Building performance based pay culture for better business results. IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management Technology, October, 3(5), pp. 1-5. Kecskes, A., 2014. Performance based compensation a practical guidance on remuneration of corporate executives, Available at: Lavy, V., 2007. Using Performance-Based Pay to Improve the Quality of Teachers, Available at: Lazear, E., 2000. Performance Pay and Productivity. The American Economic Review, December, 90(5), pp. 1346-1361. ODonnell, M. OBrien, D., 2011. Performance based pay in the Australian public service: employee perspectives, Available at: Potemski, A. Rowland, C., 2011. Performance-Based Compensation Structures: Considerations for Individual, Group, and Hybrid Programs, Available at: Saari, O., 2013. Performance-based compensation for white-collar workers and firm performance, Available at: Silva, S., 2012. An introduction to performance and skill based pay systems, Available at: Solmon, L., 2001. The pros and cons of performance based compensation, Available at: Stabilet, S., 1999. Motivating executives: does performance-based compensation positively affect managerial performance?, Available at: Suff, P., Reilly, P. Cox, A., 2007. Paying for Performance: New trends in performance-related pay, Available at: Xerox Corporation, 2012. ABC: Achievement-Based Compensation, Available at:
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Hitlers Weltanschauung (World View) Essays - Nazism,
Hitlers Weltanschauung (World View) name = Glen R. Hees email = SigmaChi25 publish = yes subject = World Civ II title = Hitler's Weltanschauung (World View) In the early quarter of the twentieth century, a young man was beginning to fill his mind with ideas of a unification of all Germanic countries. That young man was Adolf Hitler, and what he learned in his youth would surface again as he struggled to become the leader of this movement. Hitler formed views of countries and even certain cities early in his life, those views often affecting his dictation of foreign policy as he grew older. What was Hitler's view of the world before the Nazi Party came to power? Based in large part on incidents occurring in his boyhood, Hitler's view included the belief that Jews should be eliminated, and that European countries were merely pawns for him to use in his game of world dominion. Adolf Hitler grew up the son of a respectable imperial customhouse official, who refused to let his son do what he was most interested in--art. Hitler never excelled in school, and took interest only in art, gymnastics and a casual interest in geography and history due to a liking he had taken to his teacher. It was his history teacher who would fill Adolf's mind with a simple thought: ?The day will come, that all of us, of German descent, will once more belong to one mighty Teutonic nation that will stretch from the Mediterranean to the Baltic, just like the Empire of the Middle Ages, and that will stand supreme among the peoples of this earth.? Already the young Adolf could envision himself in such a position. Much of the ideology that Adolf Hitler used was not original by any means. There were many thinkers and writers who laid the groundwork for what would become not just Hitler's, but the Nazi Party's Weltanschauung (world view). Three primary writers were Dietrich Eckart, editor of a harshly anti-Semitic periodical, Auf gut deutsch (Agd), Alfred Rosenberg, a Baltic German and contributor to Agd, and Gottfried Feder, an opponent of finance capitalism. These three men molded the political outlook of the German Worker's Party before Hitler encountered it in 1919, and would become quite influential in Adolf's ideology. Rosenberg contributed largely to Hitler's view of the Jews on an international perspective, suggesting the existence of a Jewish conspiracy to overthrow established nation-states on a worldwide scale. In 1924, Hitler proclaimed that he had departed from Vienna as an absolute anti-Semitic, a deadly enemy of the whole Marxist outlook, and as a Pan-German in his political persuasion. The Pan-Ger man movement was dedicated to achieving the defense and fortification of the German Volk (people) everywhere in the world. The elimination of the Jews was but one item on Hitler's agenda, however. Hitler wanted to do away with the Versailles Treaty which he saw as criminal. He also believed that Germany should not ally itself with any other nation, except perhaps Italy and England. Italy, because of its Fascist regime under Mussolini, and England, because it could be considered a Nordic region. While he would go on to ally himself with Italy, his views of these two nations would change drastically later. As for other European nations, Hitler's idea of expansionism laid the groundwork for his relations with them. Lebensraum or living-space, which Hitler mentioned in his book Mein Kampf, had been a key concept for German National Socialists. It was an old concept, not inconsistent with beliefs held since the middle ages. Hitler believed that an increase in his country's living-space would effectively improve the health and well-being of his Volk. As Hitler stated in his Secret Book: ?A healthy foreign policy therefore will always keep the winning of the basis of a people's sustenance immovably in sight as its ultimate goal.? Hitler was very hostile towards France and saw the French as a hereditary enemy that was always looking for a chance to annex the left bank of the Rhine so as to have a ?natural? frontier with Germany. Hitler was ready to support a war against France at any time and any cost. England was portrayed as one of Germany's absolute enemies, even though Hitler had considered making an alliance at one point. Hitler thought that England had been the Weltmacht, or world power for too long and was not a worthy ally because they assisted the Jewish cause and had allowed Jews to hold influential positions within the state. Hitler also said that the British
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Report to the Management of Wilson, Tan Associates The WritePass Journal
Report to the Management of Wilson, Tan Associates Introduction Report to the Management of Wilson, Tan Associates ]. Myers, S. C. Brealey, R. A. (2002). Principles of Corporate Finance. 7th Edition McGraw-Hill. Penman, S. (2007) Financial Statements Analysis and Securities Valuation.3rd Edition. McGraw-Hill. Robinson, T. R., Greuning, J. H., Henry, E., Broihahn, M. A. (2009), â€Å"Financial Analysis Techniques†in Financial Reporting and Analysis, CFA Program Curriculum, vol. 3, Pearson Custom Publishing.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Leadership - Essay Example Trust from others – a leader has to develop the trust from his/her constituency. In a soccer game if the couch has given specific instructions of how a game strategy should be followed, all team members must trust that this strategy is going to be followed out in the field; Think creatively and objectively – a leader needs to create situations that will enhance the outcome results and be objective in the process. This creative thinking and objectivity may be discussed with the coach and the team members during practice for field performance; Partnership – a leader needs to make adjustments in his/her role and use the avant-garde posture: horizontal and vertical communication and make everyone feel that they are the owners of their fate and as such they are responsible for their actions. If a soccer player is not in place to receive the ball, an alternative player may be the receiver of the ball until the player is in place to perform the strategy that was delineated; Justice to think fairly – a leader should be able to balance criteria so that a fair view of different situations is present. A player may not feel well, therefore, his/her performance may not be up to par during a given
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Discuss the assessment and treatment issues that arise when managing Essay
Discuss the assessment and treatment issues that arise when managing violent people - Essay Example Even though most people in the society have been exposed to violence mostly through media, and occasionally in person, not everyone react in the same vein. But certain people are more vulnerable and they react in such way that can be harmful to others and sometimes even to the person who indulges in violence. In most cases, they are referred to as psychiatric cases which require intervention and treatment from qualified personnel along with support and help from other sections of the society. The growing complexity of the society, lack of caring and isolation have resulted in many people not being able to react logically, resulting in them being labeled as violent. The society and the government in most advanced societies have recognized this fact and the need to assess and treat such people in the hope that their behavior can be managed to a certain extent. Many people who become unreasonably violent often end up in the custody of law or institutions that cater to treatment of such people. This paper is a review of assessment and treatment that arise in the management of violent people, especially those who are already convicted and are in prison. In the process, it will evaluate various factors like risk, rehabilitation, recidivism, prediction of behavior, and effectives of treatment and rehabilitation. The concept of violence can be relative to a large extent among different societies and even within sections of a society. But a commonly accepted meaning would be an act that harms other people either physically or mentally. Violence can be intrapersonal and interpersonal. The former refers to doing harm to the self in ways like hurting oneself or trying to commit suicide. The latter which has more consequences refers to harm done by a person to others. But actual acts of violence are directly related to the mental health of an individual according to Daniel J Flannery. His book
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Portrayals and portraits Essay Example for Free
Portrayals and portraits Essay The processes of public memory in regard to Sojourner Truth already are framed by the multiple figurations that existed in the public consciousness prior to the three specific commemorative campaigns that form the focus of this study. Although some of the specific details vary, the basic outlines of Truths life are accessible. Born as a slave in upstate New York around 1797 and originally named Isabella, Truth was freed according to the dictates of state law in 1827. She adopted the name of Sojourner Truth and began a life of freedom that progressed through three distinct stages. The first stage is marked by her involvement with the Kingdom, an infamous religious community led Robert Matthews, also know as Matthias. After Truth left the Kingdom in 1834 she traveled through New York and Connecticut, speaking at various religious camp meetings. Friends eventually directed her to the Northampton Association of Education and Industry in Massachusetts, a group founded on socialist and transcendentalist ideas. In this second stage, Truths involvement with the Northampton group introduced her to several notable public advocates, including William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, and Olive Gilbert, who would later become her first collaborator on her Narrative (Fitch Mandziuk, 1997, p. 16). When the Northampton Association disbanded in 1849, Truth entered her third stage as an advocate for the anti-slavery and womens rights causes. She lived and traveled in Ohio for a few years, finally settling in Battle Creek, Michigan in 1857 where she resided until her death. During this third stage, Truth traveled widely through eastern and mid-western states, often appearing as a popular speaker at conventions and meetings. Among the events in this third stage of Truths life that have become the fuel for her mythic meanings were her famous 1851 speech at a womens rights convention in Akron, Ohio and an 1858 confrontation with a hostile male audience in Silver Lake, Indiana where she bared her breast to prove she was female. In her own time, Truths contemporaries in their descriptions and accounts had transformed her tale variously to depict her as a tragic victim of slavery, a religious pilgrim, a comic caricature, and a fiery orator and advocate for womens rights (Fitch Mandziuk, 1997; Mabee Newhouse, 1993; Mandziuk Fitch, 2001; Painter 1994, 1996). While it is impossible to know how much control Truth actually exerted over the costuming and posing of these images, they do offer a striking alternative to the often grotesque, defiant, or devout descriptions of her that were available in print at the time. In all but one, Truth is seated. In these she is located in settings containing middle-class accoutrements such as bookcases, carved chairs, flowers, and books. In all of the portraits she is dressed in a fringed shawl and wears tailored clothing of heavy, patterned fabrics. In some she holds knitting; in one an open portrait of a young male rests in her lap. In the other portrait she is standing, her right hand resting on a cane with her left arm at her side. In all but two, she wears eyeglasses. In some she looks past the camera, directing her glance sideways or downward; in others her glance is more leveled and direct. The images are striking for their middle-class depictions; as Painter (1996) observes, In none of these portraits is there anything beyond blackness that would inspire charitynothing of the piteous slave mother or the weird Matthias Kingdom, no bared arms, no bodice taken down in public, nothing of Stowes amusing naif. The cartes de visite show a solid bourgeoisie (p. 196). These photographic images have been reproduced ever since on posters, buttons, cards, and t-shirts; importantly, they serve as the primary source material for any other interpretations and representations of Truths physical appearance. Contemporary campaigns to commemorate Truth in material form necessarily draw from these available portrayals and portraits. There is much room for negotiation and advocacy, however, around precisely which version of Truth will be visualized at a particular time and place, as well as who has the right to control and retain ownership of that image. As Painter (1996) concludes, Even today, when Truth can symbolize the angry black woman for most of her audience, others can see her as a kind of pet (p. 129). In the three recent debates over establishing statues of Truth, the ideological implications of the choices made indicate clear differences regarding her symbolic meanings. A preference for the bourgeois, devout, serious image among predominantly white communities marks her as a symbol of accommodation, while African American public memory continues to evoke the mythology of Gages defiant advocate and radical critique of white audiences. In each debate over how Truth would be remembered the concept of character provides an important lens to assess the meaning of each commemoration. From among the available portrayals and photographic records, each representation of Truth selected particular elements while deflecting others. The dimensions included in each characterization of Truth provide a revelatory index to the particular values of the community and the means through which her image was adapted to suit various purposes. Essentially, character provides the window to how questions of identity politics were negotiated in each instance. In the Portrait Monument dispute, the image of Truth in evoked by the National Political Congress of Black Women reference the angry orator first envisioned by Frances Gage in 1863. In this version, Truth symbolizes the defiant insistence on race as a central consideration in public debate and the processes of public memory, an adaptation of this persona often used by black women to challenge white exclusionary tactics. The characteristics depicted in the Battle Creek and Northampton statues invoke the alternative image of Truth as the upholder of principles of equality and faith. These two commemorations replicate the bourgeois aspects of Truths cartes de visite, yet also depict her in safe and comforting ways. The defiant Truth is subordinated in favor of likenesses that reflect abstract values and celebrate conciliation rather than ones that insist on recognizing am valuing difference. Evaluation of the dimension of character in the process of public memory thus reveals the ideological functions served by a particular commemorative representation. These campaigns to re-present Truth in a material form reveal the uncertainties in the process of public memory, as well as the ways in which the practice often accommodates and dissipates political challenges to the values held dear by dominant culture. Among the potential meanings of Truth, her symbolic appropriation as a sign of the ideals of equality and justice easily is reconcilable with our American democratic mythology and frequent delusion that inequities can be solved simply through individual acts of faith and hope. Consequently, Truth is appropriated in her most bourgeois, benign, and reverent form. The Truth commemorated is an image that is ambiguous enough for us to find residues of her race and gender meanings within it if we so desire, but is also abstract enough to be of no threat on either front. (Manziuk, 2003) Genealogical research, when conducted within the context of African-American history using a variety of resources, offers a more encompassing perspective of the African American family in American society. In other words, our individual family photographs can provide a wealth of information about society in general.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
My Reason :: Personal Narrative Moving Essays
My Reason The process of ending up where I did was a long one. I came to this town merely by chance, not knowing what to expect, or who I would meet. I didn’t have dreams of going to a cool mountain town, or a small city to attend college; I just fell into it not knowing where I would end up. I had good reasoning, coming from a small town, I had good expectations from my prior visits, and I fit into the college life making friends very easily. After months of searching, this is where I ended up. I grew up in a tourist town at the foot of the Rocky Mountain National Park called Estes Park. It is a beautiful mountainous town with an elevation of six thousand feet. (Estes Park is very similar to Flagstaff.) It was a wonderful place to grow up, but by the time we moved from Estes Park, I was ready to go. The town had just grown to be too small for me. From there, at the age of fourteen, I moved down to a much bigger city called Fort Collins. This is where I lived and established a new life for the next five years ahead of me. When my senior year came, and it was time to begin the process of sending in my applications for college, and I was not ready. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do with my life at that point. My mother would pressure me everyday to start looking into colleges (In-state and out), and applying to the ones I liked. My parents had told me of some pretty places they had traveled through in Connecticut, Arizona, Washington, and Colorado. Taking their word for it, I applied to a few. In December, I had finally made a decision. I wanted to go to school in California. San Diego State had become my school of choice. It had a beautiful campus, it wasn’t too big of a school, and it was very close to where my Father wanted to retire. I soon found out that I was too late. San Diego, and most California schools, had their application deadline back in November. So I had to start looking in a different direction. My stepfather decided that he wanted to help out. I had been leaning towards Arizona State University or Northern Arizona University mainly because of my sister.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Ascorbic acid content of fruit juice Essay
OBJECTIVE To determine ascorbic acid content in a sample of fruit juice by using titration method with 0.001M 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, C12H7O2NCl2. INTRODUCTION image00.png Structure of Ascorbic acid Ascorbic acid, the chemical term for vitamin C, are found naturally in fruits and green vegetables. It is a dietary requirement for normal metabolism, formation of collagen, wound healing, and tissue repair. Ascorbic acid is often used as an antioxidant to help prevent free radical damage in the skin, builds resistance to infection, aids in the prevention treatment of the common cold, and aids in the absorption of iron. Yet, vitamin C cannot be synthesized by the body, and needs to be ingested. A lack of vitamin C can cause abnormalities of the spine, scurvy, and a reduction in the ability of the body to heal wounds. The determining factors as to whether organic substances can be determined in an aqueous medium depend primarily on the functional groups that characterise the redox properties. The determination of ascorbic acid content is based on the oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid: C6H8O6→ C6H6O6 + 2e- + 2H+ image01.png The redox potential depends on the pH and without adequate buffering the pH at the electrode surface can be displaced by the oxidation reaction of the ascorbic acid leading to peak broadening. Vitamin C is found in fruit drinks such as orange juice and also other sources like vegetables, liver and kidney meat. Vitamin C in food can be destroyed by cooking, leaching out from fruits and vegetable during washing, and being oxidized when expose to the air. Thus, food that rich in vitamin C needs to be stored and prepared well. PROCEDURE 1. Standardization of 0.001M 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution. 25.00mL aliquot of ascorbic acid solution was pipette into a 100mL conical flask. 0.001M 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution is titrated until a faint colour persisted for at least 15 seconds. The molarity of the dye solution is calculated by the result obtained. 2. Ascorbic acid concentration of fruit juice is determined. 5mL of fruit juice was pipette into a 100mL conical flask. 10mL of 5M acetic acid, 5mL of acetone (prevent interference of SO2) and 30mL of water was added, then the mixture was allowed to stand for 5 minutes and titrated with 2, 6-dichlorophenolindophenol solution. 3. CuSO4 and bubbling to air. 2 flasks is set up and filled with 25mL of fruit juice in each flask. 1mg of copper sulfate is added to one of the flasks and both are put to bubbled air for 20 minutes. The titration is repeated at the completion of the 20 minutes of air bubbling. DCPIP is a chemical compound used as a redox dye. This dye is blue in base (DCPIP-) and pink in acid (DCPIPH) and the pink form can be reduced by ascorbic acid to a colorless form (DCPIPH2). image03.png Titration with 0.001M 2,6- dichlorophenolindophenol solution Reaction 1: DCPIP- (blue) +H+→ DCPIPH (pink) Reaction 2: DCPIPH (pink) + Ascorbic acid → DCPIPH2 (clear) +Dehydroascorbate If a drop of blue DCPIP dye is added to a low pH solution (pH
Sunday, January 5, 2020
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